Picket Line Security Services
Ensure The Safety of All Parties During a Labor Strike or Demonstration
Picket line security services are essential elements of securing your job site, property, or even workforce. Our solutions speak to the nature of any kind of political event or demonstration including labor disputes, boycotts, work stoppages, or political demonstrations. Work alongside AFIMAC to manage the risk of a potentially dangerous situation and protect both people and property.
Often referred to as strike security, AFIMAC is so much more than a strike security company. We have specialized for many decades in protecting both people and property. When the safety and security of employees and the general public become a paramount concern, AFIMAC can offer solutions. Consider picket line solutions for labor disputes in university spaces, manufacturing, public service, and so much more. Whatever your concern may be, AFIMAC can manage every detail of these security risks with an incredible range of security, private investigation, and executive protection services.
Labor strike security personnel are specifically trained to handle the response to such scenarios. Our staff understands the legalities of a labor strike or plant closure and can act appropriately in any situation. AFIMAC strike security officers are routinely called on to act with the utmost professionalism to ensure events remain non-confrontational. Labor strike security officers understand how to provide secure transportation for employees who choose to cross the picket lines, respecting all parties involved. The goal of AFIMAC’s strike security personnel is to ensure that all assets and staff are protected so that both union officials and management negotiators can resume positive relations once the labor strike has been resolved. Such offerings are part of AFIMAC’s business continuity services.
Learn about the dire importance of carefully conducting business continuity planning for labor disputes.
Picket Line Security Services and Elite-Level Labor Dispute Security Solutions
Full-Service Solutions From AFIMAC Global
While AFIMAC annually receives applications from more than 7,000 candidates for our picket line security services, while fewer than 8 percent of applicants qualify and are of sufficient caliber to be hired as AFIMAC strike security personnel and deployed for labor disputes.
All strike security officers complete classroom training on labor disputes, plant closures, and emergency response situations. Additional computer-based on-line training allows strike security recruits to train anywhere across the United States and Canada, at any time of the year. AFIMAC’s strike security coordinators and supervisors complete detailed assessments, including post-dispute reviews, of all strike security personnel and services. Reviewed by our operations management team, these documents ensure all emergency response personnel continue to develop and receive additional on-line training as required.
Strike Security Specialists At Your Service Anywhere in North America
Required Reading
Full-Service Solutions To Picketing From The Public
AFIMAC is proud that we have never had our strike security personnel charged with violating any laws while assisting with a strike security situation. AFIMAC’s continued dedication to training, developing, and managing its strike security teams ensures that it remains the industry leader in assisting clients through a labor strike.
Contact us directly by filling out the form below. As an employer, should you have any concerns about an upcoming picket line or labor dispute, engage with AFIMAC as soon as possible to ensure continuity during these difficult times. Contact us now by filling out the form below for more information.