Security Countermeasures: Maintain Your Competitive Advantage
Security countermeasures and private investigation offerings from AFIMAC paint a complete picture of what has occurred on your job site. Dive deep into email correspondence and computer systems and find fair and unbiased information to support your business decisions.

Companies in all types of industries need to maintain their competitive advantage to compete in today’s fast-paced global marketplace. While electronic communication is an essential business tool, it also poses risks that can compromise negotiations, affect short and long-range planning, and damage a company’s reputation. AFIMAC is the ideal partner that understands potential threats and develops integrated solutions to stop the interception of data and implement digital security countermeasures.
Private Investigations Reaching Into The Digital Realm
AFIMAC security countermeasure investigators are highly trained in all phases of electronic surveillance. By combining state-of-the-art technology with years of experience, AFIMAC investigators can perform counter-surveillance inspections to uncover covert or overt interceptions of electronic or voice data.
AFIMAC offers far more than simple detection. Through proven methods of threat assessment, integrated systems analysis, and security solution implementation, AFIMAC’s team of security experts can help clients manage the risk of electronic sabotage. Through the appropriate introduction of physical security systems and training for employees with access to sensitive information, AFIMAC works with each client to avoid potential information interceptions.
We work with clients to determine what confidential information is at risk of being lost or stolen through electronic espionage and who has access to it. We work with a client’s executives to ensure they understand not only how to protect sensitive data on laptops, cell phones, or other personal devices, but also how the company should react if this information be compromised.
Security Countermeasures From AFIMAC Global: Contact Us Today
Whatever your corporate investigation needs may be, AFIMAC can tailor services and offerings to your needs. Connect with us directly to learn more about your options and leave the complexities of workplace investigations to those who have specialized in such matters for years.
Fill out the form below and contact us today to learn more.