Crisis Prevention Services For Employers & More

Crisis Prevention Services

Workplace crisis prevention services illustrated by an office building.

Crisis Prevention Services For The Workplace: Tools Available to Employers

Crisis prevention often calls for employers to carefully consider every possible risk that could impact their workforce and the physical job site. Now more than ever, social media is where disgruntled workers vent their frustrations, leaving important details about their intentions and next steps. Social listening services afford the opportunity to employers to stay a step ahead of the individuals who could be a risk of workplace violence.

In today’s world, preventing workplace violence calls for so much more than a set of guidelines and HR policies. Employers can now gather information on individual staff members who have given their employers a reason for concern, and monitor their actions before they ever cause harm to others. With such information, employers can act in the best interest of their staff and avoid a serious crisis altogether.

Crisis Prevention and Workplace Violence in North America

Workplace violence continues to be far more common than many would like. In fact, one in every five people surveyed by global think that ILO has experienced some kind of workplace violence or harassment. This is a great cause for concern for employers who have the responsibility of protecting their staff from reasonable harm. Even with the most extensive duty of care practices and risk mitigation strategies, workplace violence and harassment are still likely to present themselves in some form on the job site.

Crisis prevention in the workplace illustrated by a modern office space.

Employers have the responsibility to address the issue of workplace violence preemptively before it puts others at risk. Even a simple workplace investigation can demonstrate that an employer has made efforts to uncover more details about individual staff members who have acted inappropriately and placed others at risk. In this post-pandemic world, there are bound to be conflicts between staff members, and employers will need to go above and beyond to find solutions to the conflicts in their workplace.

Social Media Monitoring of Workforces

Social media continues to provide many clues to the lifestyle choices and behavioral patterns of your workforce. When one staff member in your workforce misbehaves, threatens others with violence, or simply utters something uncomfortable to someone else, private investigation tools can determine if there is a greater cause for concern. A private investigation company such as AFIMAC Global can offer solutions to the potential risk of having an individual employee’s behavior escalate into something much worse 

By scraping through the public social media profiles of the employee in question, employers can find details that might reveal a greater risk to the workplace. Those who are upset with their colleagues or managers often take to social media to articulate their opinions, open for the general public to see. In many cases, when someone is about to partake in violence, they leave clues in the form of offensive remarks online, revealing an obsession with violence or weapons, or simply uttering direct threats of violence against managers and leadership. 

Staying Informed of Risk

When employers are made aware of social posts from their staff, they can use this information to support an employee’s termination or dispatch security resources to secure the job site. By implementing continuous monitoring of a potentially dangerous individual, employers can determine if past bad behavior was a one-time occurrence, or if there is a chance for further incidents. Such services can be applied to an individual employee, or utilized to monitor the social pressences of entire workforces, whatever the need may be.

Leverage #SocialListening by AFIMAC Global as a means of preventing workplace violence from occurring on your job site. When individuals pose risk, dig deeper and gather intelligence that supports your business decisions.

Such services can be utilized by employers in a number of ways, monitoring any risk against the business itself. Should an employer be concerned about upcoming unionization, have attracted the attention of passionate political activists, or are simply curious about the off-site behaviors of their staff, tap into these conversations and quietly gather intelligence that can keep you one step ahead of risk in all its forms.  

Create a Safe Jobsite Alongside AFIMAC Global

AFIMAC Global is proud to provide social media listening services and intelligence-gathering solutions in the form of an Online Violence Threat Risk Assessment. Use information to your advantage and quietly stay informed of the social media pressences of your staff, or even outside parties. Such solutions can demonstrate an employer’s dedication to their duty of care obligations, and actively prevent workplace violence before it ever happens.

Offerings are available across any industry in North America, available to employers of all shapes and sizes. Gain incredible insight into individual staff members who are at risk of partaking in violence and take the necessary precautions before anyone is ever harmed. Be informed the moment a threat is made against a specific individual and save precious time when there is a risk of workplace violence or active shooter situations.

AFIMAC continues to partner alongside many major brands across both the United States and Canada, capable of helping employers fulfill their obligation to provide a safe workplace for all. Leverage the many private investigation tools available from AFIMAC, but also experience full-service security solutions that address risk at the workplace and at home. Whatever your challenges are as an employer, AFIMAC can help. Fill out the form below to speak with a representative today.

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