Threat Monitoring

Threat Monitoring and Collecting Intelligence For Post-Secondary Institutions

Threat monitoring for university and college campuses helps senior leadership stay one step ahead of the many security concerns that could pose risks to their staff and students. University and college campuses across North America have unique security needs that require so much more than a physical security presence. Intelligence gathering can look beyond what many security companies can offer, leveraging information in your favor. Intel gathering services offer remarkable insight into the happenings on campus, allowing leadership to plan for and address issues as they happen.

Working alongside AFIMAC Global means that senior leaders in the post-secondary space have access to information that can work to protect everyone involved. When campus threats emerge, protests are planned, or you are expecting labor stoppages, the intelligence-gathering techniques offered by AFIMAC provide the insight needed to properly plan and respond. Tap into relevant chatter as a means of protecting your institution and ensuring ongoing campus safety.

Threat monitoring services illustrated by an empty university lecture hall.

Threat Monitoring and Campus Security Risks

Every university and college campus is vulnerable to security risks including petty crime, vandalism theft, and assault. Even with robust traditional security presences, these issues may persist, with staff and students turning to the institution for a resolution. These issues may call for a deeper examination of the social chatter that is relevant to senior leadership, listening in on social conversations as a means of managing security risks.

Private investigation and social listening services can work in an employer’s best interest to maintain peace, identify campus culture issues, and even pinpoint people of interest. Oftentimes, students are vocal about their security concerns on social media, forgoing the reporting process altogether. By working with a private investigation company such as AFIMAC, senior leadership can access honest insight about their campus and utilize social listening tools that tap into publicly available conversations. When used effectively, information can be gathered online on people who pose risk, gathering important intel that can hold bad actors accountable for their actions, and bringing an end to security concerns. Tap into the public information that matters most, and use information gathered fairly without bias to make campus security decisions in the best interest of your entire institution.

Managing Campus Security Risks Across The United States & Canada

Post-secondary institutions are at the center of many political campaigns, often drawing attention from neighboring communities. Free speech and political activism are fundamental to the university experience, but at times political activists may drift beyond what is considered “peaceful protest.” With so many different perspectives and ideologies on campus, the likelihood of political activism turning violent is high.

Intelligence gathering solutions available on behalf of AFIMAC can work to predict political activism on campus, monitoring the situation and carefully documenting the efforts of activists. Many activists organize and plan their next step on social media, and silently listening in on these conversations can work to spot instances when protests could turn violent or disruptive. In other cases, political demonstrations may draw contentious political groups on campus, calling for increased security measures and support from local law enforcement. Monitor the political groups that may look to cause a stir on campus or partake in political activism before harm is ever caused.

Solutions For University Strikes, Picket Lines, and Labor Stoppages

Worker strikes in the university and college sectors are a high likelihood in 2023. Faculty and support staff often take the first weeks of the school year to carefully plan a work stoppage, ultimately compromising the quality of education your institution could provide. Should your workforce choose to walk off the job and picket your campus, the risks are likely overwhelming for your existing staff. Many times, post-secondary institutions will need to enlist worker strike security solutions to not only keep the peace on the picket line but to also carefully document the actions of striking workers.

Threat monitoring brings together intelligence gathering and security resources to address the unique needs of the post-secondary world. Look beyond traditional security resources and respond to the complex risks facing post-secondary institutions across North America.

Threat monitoring and social listening services offered on behalf of AFIMAC can not only monitor the actions of picketers but can also listen in on your staff before they ever contemplate striking. Predict the actions of your workforce monitor threats in the form of work stoppages and ensure ongoing continuity of your educational institution.

Full-Service Risk Mitigation From AFIMAC

Threat monitoring is just one aspect of the multi-layered approach AFIAMC takes to protecting campuses across North America. When information is paired with security resources, senior leadership can address the complex risks facing their institution. Tap into social chatter, gather intel, and spot labor strikes before they ever impact your university or college.

Connect with us directly to learn more about the wide range of services that are perfect for university campuses across North America. Fill out the form below and speak with an AFIMAC representative today.

Scroll Through The Latest From AFIMAC Global

A private investigation occurs at a job site in New York City.
Catfishing occurs against a well-known executive.
Workplace incident investigations are called to gather facts after a construction worker falls.
City worker strike in Ontario Canada illustrated by a construction worker on a job site.
Securing events illustrated by a row of guests at a political rally.
Remote layoffs security illustrated by a remote worker sitting at his desk.
Crisis prevention in the workplace illustrated by a modern office space.
What is swatting? Shown via a small police force with helmets.
Labor disputes shown via a worker shouting into a megaphone.
Retail security services shown via a busy retail store and someone shoplifting.
Public demonstration security services shown with a line up of protestors at a speaking event.
Dark web leaks illustrated by a bad actor surfing the dark web.
Supply chain security services illustrated by a large cargo port in Vancouver.
Worker tracking services shown via two factory workers.
Workplace Discrimination Investigation Services illustrated by a magnifying glass.
Civil Disturbance Preparedness shown via raised fists during a political march.
Building security services illustrated by a city skyline in North America.
Executive security services illustrated by an AFIMAC agent watching over a black SUV.
Event management services illustrated by a photo of a large outdoor concert in Nashville.
Employee investigation services illustrated by a boss harassing his employee.
Company Boycott shown via people protesting in Quebec.
Pre-employment screening services shown via a magnifying glass.
Security for events breaks up a crowd at a football game in the United States.
Executive Security for speaking engagements illustrated by a group of well dressed executives chatting.
Labor Strike Security shown via executives planning for a work stoppage.
Sick day abuse illustrated by a worker faking being sick.
Collecting intelligence illustrated by a serious interview.
Factory Closures illustrated by a large factory with two workers.