15830 Foltz Pkwy.,
Strongsville, OH
United States
AFIMAC Global © 2024
All Rights Reserved.
Full-service response services for governments and private companies are readily available on behalf of AFIMAC Global
Disaster assistance can be called upon when a natural disaster strikes a company or government as all facets of its business capabilities are affected. From daily operations, and service to customers, to employee safety and security, entire operations can be shut down in a moment’s notice. Even with days of warnings that a pending hurricane, tornado, flood, or oil spill is near, the actual disaster can strike fear amongst employees who are concerned about themselves and their families. Also, a company’s vital supply chain can be seriously disrupted.
We offer tools to have a plan in place – one that has been implemented prior to the event and readies a response for security, logistics, temporary help, transportation, life necessities, medical, staffing, or whatever else you may need to address the possible challenges during a disaster.
We offer emergency response vehicles, personnel, equipment rentals, and more. Lean on AFIMAC to source and provide equipment that can be leveraged to keep your workforce or community safe including power generation, lighting rigs, support staff, private investigation, and much more.
We offer disaster assistance base camps, food support, security, medical services, and pandemic business continuity anywhere in North America. Prevent issues against businesses and serve your community to the highest degree possible with a wide range of mobile assets intended to keep the lights on and provide support in times of a natural disaster.
Whatever your needs may be, AFIMAC is proud to serve clients from across North America including government entities, large corporations, post-secondary institutions, and religious entities.
The most effective natural disaster response begins in the planning stages. Begin the process and have comprehensive plans in place to assist you and your organization in the event of a disaster. Much of the planning comes at a remarkably small cost to our clients, where significant costs are only incurred when resources are deployed. Connect with us directly and make a strong effort to protect both your people and property.
Fill out the form below to learn more. Contact us now.
15830 Foltz Pkwy.,
Strongsville, OH
United States
AFIMAC Global © 2024
All Rights Reserved.