15830 Foltz Pkwy.,
Strongsville, OH
United States
AFIMAC Global © 2024
All Rights Reserved.
Private investigation services and corporate intelligence gathering from AFIMAC can protect companies from losses attributed to crime and fraud, both inside and outside the organization. With AFIMAC’s risk analysis programs and workplace investigation strategies, companies can set policies that ensure staff are held accountable, profits are retained, and losses are kept to a minimum.
AFIMAC employs only the most experienced and licensed investigators with unique expertise, with the specific skills needed to perform diverse assignments in challenging circumstances. The investigative team uses a proven five-step process to investigate claims and provide third-party evidence, in a completely unbiased manner. Third-party private investigations from AFIMAC can provide intelligence that withstands the scrutiny of both courts and insurance companies. Even when an employer suspects that online bots are attempting to slander your business online, AFIMAC can help.
Fraud ultimately costs the entire economy hundreds of millions. Bring it to an end by partnering with AFIMAC Global and tap into private investigation services for any occasion.
AFIMAC private investigators can gather necessary information and evidence in the event an employee is falsely receiving benefits. AFIMAC can investigate corporate concerns for benefits fraud and abuse of sick days or paid time off in the workplace working to gather supporting documentation for clients.
Find gaps in your company’s practices, audit compliance and uncover fraud whether it is theft of time or product. Ensure the quality of your workforce background checks, and carefully monitor your employees for any concerns. Manage the risk of sabotage against your business and hold your staff accountable for their actions.
Private investigation services that work to safeguard the workplace include AFIMAC’s own online threat risk assessment as well as our workplace violence threat risk assessment. Conduct a discreet and exhaustive analysis of the digital footprints of employees, along with online activities for an executive or an entire organization. Such services work to identify and remedy potential risks and vulnerabilities to political offices, C-Suite executives, or recipients of community awards. Tap into extensive social media monitoring services that can reveal a wide range of security risks. With such critical information in hand, we can work alongside our clients to preemptively prevent security risks.
AFIMAC’s Workplace Violence Threat Risk Assessment helps employers zero in on warning signs, evaluate risks, and develop mitigation strategies in the event an employee is at risk to themselves or other workers. Avert potentially devastating crises including workplace violence and active shooters in the workplace with AFIMAC in-depth workplace risk assessments and private investigation tools.
Investigate claims of sexual misconduct, pinpoint social engineering attempts against executives, and gather information that is unbiased and conducted by a highly qualified private investigation company.
AFIMAC remains capable of serving clients in both Canada and the United States. Our range of private investigation tools can serve employers with large networks of employees, post-secondary institutions, and or governmental organizations. Gather information that can withstand litigation and protect what you have worked so hard to build. Third-party investigation services by AFIMAC can help employers get a complete picture of what has occurred on the job site, whether it be workplace accidents, claims of misconduct, discrimination, or workplace fraud of any kind.
Our services cover an incredibly wide range of topics and concerns experienced by senior leadership. Whatever your investigation needs may be, lean on AFIMAC as your go-to service provider for any issue.
Learn more about your options and fill out the form below to contact us today.
15830 Foltz Pkwy.,
Strongsville, OH
United States
AFIMAC Global © 2024
All Rights Reserved.