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Wildfire response, emergency response planning, and business continuity; click now.
Intelligence gathering services help hold stalkers accountable; click now.
Labor dispute security services and executive protection for public appearances; click now.
Intelligence gathering services help hold stalkers accountable; click now.
Worker Strikes in auto manufacturing could inspire others; click now to learn more.
Strike and picket line security for corporations and government organizations are necessary for anyone facing heated worker strikes or general protests. It can help ensure the safety of your workplace and the human resources that help support your business, along with ensuring your safety. The risks facing corporations across North America include so much more than natural disasters and pandemics.
Explore a long list of offerings from the global leaders in strike security and executive protection. AFIMAC has worked closely alongside a number of North American government agencies experiencing political demonstrations in the workplace and public places. Ensure that all demonstrators protest peacefully while managing the risk to both people and property.
Political activism has become increasingly common, with several groups banding together to protest against the state of the government, rising costs of living, and vaccine mandates. In Europe, the general public has taken to demonstrations in major cities and small rural towns to protest the rising costs of living and an emerging housing crisis that is hitting both renters and homeowners. North America is expected to follow suit in 2023 as everyday citizens turn to the government to address these issues.
In other instances, political activism has pushed the boundaries of what is deemed to be “peaceful” protests, with certain groups focusing their efforts on medical facilities, highways, and public spaces. Preparations for heated protests require careful planning alongside a qualified security company that can spot risks, dispatch resources, and predict the movements of demonstrations before they happen. Failure to plan for and address political protests can create significant risks to the general public.
Union sentiment continues to grow among workforces that are feeling the pinch from rising costs of living, including food and rent. Many workers simply have no option other than to request more from their employer in terms of wages and benefits. When the costs of living in 2023 continue to soar above worker wages, many employers should be bracing for a strike, unionization, or labor shortages.
AFIMAC is unique in that it can address both the security concerns of a worker strike and contingent workforces. Picketing workforces create security risks that could cause harm to your executive leaders, skeleton workforces, and the general public. Difficult strikes can sometimes lead to extensive property damage to your workplace. AFIMAC can provide protective drivers for crossing the picket line, along with a number of surveillance resources. Strikes often call for ongoing surveillance techniques that can hold striking workers accountable, as the temptation to act out can be high when tempers flare. All our resources can be dispatched across North America on incredibly short notice, helping you to address potential or ongoing labor unrest quickly.
Social listening tools can help address the risks of labor strikes and protests. When predictive social listening tools spot threats before they happen, corporations and government agencies can save precious hours and use this time to prepare appropriately.
During a labor strike, the onus remains on the employer to provide a safe workplace for all staff, regardless of whether they are on strike. Social listening tools can sift through thousands of social posts and determine if there is a growing risk of a strike or unionization, helping the employer prepare their workplace. Often a strike means a full shutdown of business operations. However, with AFIMAC, many employers can leverage our security resources and contingent workforces to maintain operations while senior leaders negotiate with union representatives.
AFIMAC actively works to help Fortune 500 companies address their duty of care obligations to their workforces while navigating the complexities of strikes, protests, and work stoppages. Social listening tools adhere to all North American privacy laws and place the right information in the hands of senior leaders that can help them plan and address strikes before they cause harm to others.
Should a striking worker or member of the public become injured due to a strike, the employer could be held liable for failing to address these risks appropriately. AFIMAC can carefully document the events during a strike.
Contact AFIMAC today to learn more about the options available to employers who require security resources, contingent workforces, and strike security teams that can help you plan for difficult labor turmoil. Fill out the form below and speak with an AFIMAC representative today.
Fast food worker strikes for a major coffee brand from Seattle should be a cause of concern for many businesses that employ unionized workforces. As a globally recognized coffee giant, rolling labor strikes of its unionized workforces are likely just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. This union strike paints a broader picture of the state of the labor market heading into 2023, as fast-food worker strikes might become commonplace.
Employers should expect their workforces to command more in one way or another. Whether it is an increase in wages and benefits, workers are set to have more power than ever heading into the new year of 2023. With strike action and walk-offs being a reality for retailers and fast-food employers in the near future, employers should begin planning now for increased labor turmoil. Rising costs of living attributed to inflation are set to develop complex union negotiations, labor strikes, and new deals that could dictate profits for years to come. Major businesses should expect complicated union negotiations between employer and workforce sooner rather than later.
The recent barista walkout has nicknamed their efforts the “double down strike,’ a three-day walkout across 100 different stores in the United States. Citing poorly staffed working conditions, strict HR policies, and wages not in line with the costs of living, many staff have no other choice but to seek more from employers. Striking workers even called upon the general public, through popular social media platforms, to not purchase anything from the company as a sign of support. With over 9,000 locations around the world, this strike action is just a small portion of the company’s global reach but a concerning trend for many employers.
Over the last year, close to 300 stores have called for employees to unionize, ultimately giving the workforce increased power to collectively bargain with the employer for increased wages and improved health benefits. This labor turmoil comes at a time during the holiday season when many fast-food employers and retailers lean on their low-skilled workforces to supply increased demands. Calls of boycotting against the employer have the potential to cause serious harm to a company’s brand and reduce sales and profits.
After a difficult pandemic, public-facing fast-food giants are expected to experience deeper labor turmoil heading into 2023. Strikes, unionization, and walk-offs are ultimately not exclusive to one sector but should be expected for any business that directly services the general public.
The nature of addressing unions in North America is a complicated endeavor, as labor laws often prohibit employers from implementing preventative measures that deter unionization. Often referred to as “union busting,” employers could face hefty fines and legal penalties for utilizing such tactics.
Employers expecting complex worker and union strikes should look to address their labor concerns head-on. AFIMAC is the global leader in providing union negotiation services, aiding major employers across North America in crafting favorable deals between employers and unions. AFIMAC maintains extensive legal resources that can navigate the complexities of unionization in your workforce and address ongoing strike action.
Contingency workforces also have a part to play in 2024; AFIMAC is unique in that it can source contingent workers on your behalf and transport them to your job site. Utilizing a contingent workforce can buy employers precious hours as they negotiate new deals with unions. Leverage entire fleets of contingent workforces to address strikes and walk-offs to ensure that your business is capable of supplying demand regardless of ongoing strike action.
Senior leaders are often caught off-guard by a strike, surprised by the challenges faced during union negotiations and the security concerns. Picket lines can be dangerous for all parties involved, and these issues often call for specialized security and protective driver solutions.AFIMAC remains highly capable of addressing every element of a difficult strike. Call on the strike specialists who can offer full-service strike solutions, including picket line security, contingent workforces, and union negotiation tactics to help bring strikes to a close and allow your business to focus on what matters most.
Fill out the form below to learn more about your options when facing the reality of strike action impacting your business. Maintain continuity with contingent workforces and explore full-service solutions to labor disputes. Fill out the form below and contact us now to learn more.
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