Threat Intelligence Gathering for Senior Leaders Facing Digital Slander

Threat Intelligence
Gathering Services

Threat intelligence gathering services illustrated by a private investigator wearing an earpiece while monitoring Times Square.

Threat Intelligence Gathering Services

Threat intelligence gathering services play a critical role in the reputation management of executives and politicians facing online slander and defamation. The digital world can be cut-throat, and social media affords the opportunity for bad actors to defame prominent executives and senior leaders behind the anonymity of the internet. While some instances of digital harassment are better left ignored, ongoing targeted slander campaigns can shape public opinion, hurt your reputation, and turn entire workforces against you. Intel gathering is a critical part of addressing online defamation, protecting the reputation of senior leaders, and bringing an end to digital slander.

AFIMAC prides itself on its incredible social listening tools that can help identify the sources of digital slander and collect intelligence on behalf of an organization. Many of the intelligence-gathering tools used by AFIMAC are completely discreet, inspired by the long-standing workplace investigative tools used in corporate investigations. When executives and politicians need to get to the bottom of recent acts of slander or digital harassment, AFIMAC is your partner in bringing these issues to a swift and efficient end.

Threat intelligence gathering services illustrated by a busy office space.

Online Defamation and Digital Slander

Politicians seeking reelection or corporations in the midst of becoming publicly traded are especially vulnerable to digital slander and defamation. When bad actors take to social media, false narratives can be planted in an online community and investor groups to influence public opinion. When these campaigns are left unchecked, they can sway the results of an election or even harm a company’s stock price. Both money and reputation are at stake when online slander gets out of control.

When bad actors hide behind anonymous social accounts to plant narratives that are simply untrue, their efforts are likely to paint a specific individual or company in a negative light. With AFIMAC’s social listening tools, our specialists can gather information, identify the source of such slander, and help your corporation build a legal case with the fair and unbiased gathering of evidence. Identify the individuals hurting your business or political campaign and hold them accountable with tools that tap into online conversations and pinpoint their root causes.

Predicting Threats and Risks to Your Business

When mass layoffs are a necessary part of business in 2023, the threats against your workplace are often detailed online on public social platforms. Disgruntled workers often have a tendency to voice their frustrations online, sometimes slandering managers, executives, and the brand itself. AFIMAC can work quickly to gather intelligence and inform senior leaders if there are any risks facing workers and your job site.

Threats of violence against a corporation are often discussed online. At times, recently laid-off workers may choose to return to the workplace to indulge in violence or even target the homes of specific managers. Social listening and intelligence-gathering tools from AFIMAC can quickly inform stakeholders when there is a serious threat. Active shooter scenarios, threats against executives’ homes, and planned picketing can be predicted, helping organizations save precious moments to protect people and property.

Threat Intelligence Gathering Services and Measuring Sentiment of A Workforce or General Public

Intelligence gathering from AFIMAC can also take a temperature read of the sentiment of your workforce. Companies that employ large, unionized workforces often take to social media to vent their frustrations, airing out their dirty laundry on public platforms. AFIMAC can take a close listen to these conversations being had by your workforce and provide a snapshot of what is being discussed online. 

Take a close look at how your staff truly feel about their place of employment with the social listening tools from AFIMAC. Many executives will be surprised at what they hear online and can determine for themselves whether staff are pleased with their employment status. AFIMAC adheres to all North American privacy laws while pinpointing obvious warning signs of labor stoppages or potential unionizations. Such information is imperative to senior leaders, helping them plan for upcoming worker strikes.

World-Class Private Investigation Offerings

A proper workplace investigation includes careful documentation, video-recorded interviews, and a full collection of evidence that can be found on public social platforms. Such evidence can help support a corporation’s decision to let specific staff go and avoid the complexities that come from wrongful termination.

Contact us Directly to Learn More

Learn more about the various social listening and threat intelligence gathering services available from AFIMAC. Fill out the form below to learn more about our offerings, including a full list of our private investigation tools.

AFIMAC prides itself on our discreet and full-service offerings tailored specifically to the needs of senior leaders of major corporations. We continue to work alongside a number of Fortune 500 companies and their executives who face threats against their livelihood for the work they complete. Further, we can address security concerns, including travel safety, protective drivers, contingent workforces, and so much more. Employers can even look within their workforce to bring an end to such challenges

Contact us today and fill out the form now for more information.

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