Is It Safe To Drive Across The Border To Mexico?

Is It Safe to Drive Across
The Border To Mexico?

safe travel to mexico illustrated by a mexican sunset.

Is It Safe To Drive Across The Border To Mexico?

Safe travel to Mexico is easier said than done, especially when business travelers visit destinations beyond well-known tourist hot spots. This begs the question, is it safe to drive across the border to Mexico?

A long road shows the road border crossing between Mexico and the United States.

Places like Cancun and Tulum have been historically friendly to tourists, but other destinations in Mexico might not be so welcoming. As many employers continue to adjust their business models in 2023, Mexico has become increasingly more attractive for opening up workplaces in the small towns that border directly along the United States. Driving across the border to Mexico, however, comes with security risks that are easily overlooked as many employers mistakenly assume that these towns are just as welcoming as the country’s top tourist destinations. 

Business travel to Mexico simply isn’t as safe as many North Americans assume. Employers who call upon their staff to travel to Mexico for work, either inspecting manufacturing sites or arranging business meetings, might be putting their staff in danger. Lean on a security company such as AFIMAC Global to facilitate safe business travel to Mexico. With resources available across North America, AFIMAC can enlist protective and local drivers who are familiar with the risks, helping business travelers avoid confrontation and employers provide a safe means of travel for their staff.

Frequently Asked Questions For Executive Travelers Visiting Mexico 

Find answers to the most common questions regarding business travel to Mexico in 2023.

Is It Safe To Drive Across The Border To Mexico?

For most North Americans, without a specialized, trained, and local protective driver, it is not safe to drive across the border to Mexico.

What Are The Risks That Come With Driving Across The Border to Mexico?

Whatever the reason for driving across the border to Mexico may be, either renting or using a personal vehicle to drive across Mexico comes with incredible risks to business travelers.

  • Roads in Mexico can be treacherous and are simply not held to the same maintenance standards as the United States and Canada. Unpredictable driving conditions and unmarked speed bumps can leave business travelers stranded with damage to vehicles. Speed bumps known as “topes” are not properly labeled with road signs, and local drivers simply know they are there. For those unfamiliar with the area, this could be problematic, causing damage to vehicles and requiring third-party assistance to bring a business traveler home safely.
  • Carjackings, theft, and common scams are plentiful in Mexico, especially in small rural towns. Executives driving their vehicles stand out as targets of organized criminals, creating dangerous situations for all business travelers. Should executive travelers become lost, find themselves in the wrong part of town, or run out of gas, it exposes them to dangerous situations that are ultimately the responsibility of the employer. Should a business traveler fall victim to a violent assault, it can be a nightmare situation for the traveler’s employer and their family. 
  • Police checkpoints and local corruption pose challenges for business leaders traveling from the United States. Police officers in Mexico may not have your best interests in mind and could be working alongside local criminals. Cars that are new and rented for business purposes are regularly stopped by local police, who often request a bribe for safe passage through a police checkpoint. Language barriers can make matters worse and lead to confrontation while resulting in wrongful detention. Local drivers who are familiar with the area can navigate these challenges and ensure local police do not interfere with those visiting Mexico for business.x
  • Kidnapping for ransom is also a possibility, as organized criminals have become increasingly more advanced in their efforts. Some criminals may quietly monitor the movements of executives visiting their local area, coordinating with others to facilitate crime. Some criminals stake out at specific gas stations, work alongside local taxi drivers, and closely watch banks and ATMs for unsuspecting business travelers. Local criminals can act quickly, surprising their target while they dine out or just before they cross back into the United States. 
  • Political unrest can throw a wrench into anyone’s travel arrangements in a matter of minutes. The state of politics in Mexico remains contentious, and members of the American media traveling to Mexico for work can be targeted by members of the general public. Local protests in small towns, tourist hot spots, and Mexican border towns can shut down entire highways, leaving very few options for a safe return home. Employers are encouraged to know the risks of business travel to Mexico before they ever consider sending their staff to the country for work.

Considering Travel Security Services From AFIMAC Global

Private Drivers For Border Crossing, Business Travel, and Medical Tourism

Partner alongside AFIMAC Global and consider every possible risk of conducting business in Mexico. AFIMAC remains highly familiar with the risk landscape in Mexico and regularly works alongside American business leaders to not only provide protective drivers for executives but also monitor the threats facing their business travelers. Conduct risk assessments, plan for security risks, and tap into endless security resources including protective drivers and close protective executive agents that can ensure the safety of traveling workforces. We maintain a large database of resource stations across North America, with local drivers ready to be dispatched, helping corporate travelers navigate the challenges of driving through Mexico.

Connect with us directly to learn more. Fill out the form below to speak with a representative.

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