Workplace Violence Solutions: Preventative and Responsive Tactics

Workplace violence solutions are available to North American employers in several forms on behalf of AFIMAC Global. Managing the risk of workplace violence on your job site calls for not only an ongoing dedication to assessing and monitoring risk but also third-party consultation that shows an employer’s dedication to keeping staff safe. Begin with extensive planning with third-party risk assessments, implement social listening and private investigation tools, and create a workplace culture rooted in productivity and accountability.

When your staff are held accountable for their actions, employers can send the message that each member of your team should be focused on the task at hand, rather than conflict with one another. With the incredibly wide range of tools available from AFIMAC, employers can preemptively plan for the risk of violence but also investigate conflicts, and train staff on how to resolve these issues amongst themselves. 

Workplace Violence Solutions shown via coworkers physically fighting.

Workplace Violence Solutions: Know The Facts

The concept of risk is incredibly broad and encompasses the possibility that truly anything can happen on the job site. It’s the employer’s responsibility to actively address this possibility, taking strides to manage potential conflict between workers in the form of harassment, bullying, threats, sexual assault, and violence itself. 

In a post-pandemic world, instances of workplace violence have only increased, especially against healthcare workers and young people working in retail. Employers will need even more tools to examine this glaring risk while exploring ways to mitigate harm to their entire workforce. Failing to do so often creates a long list of liability issues that will be far more costly to address during formal litigation.

Essential AFIMAC Reading

Third-Party Risk Assessments

When employers plan for and assess risk internally, they often miss glaring issues that are obvious to third-party risk assessment specialists. Preemptively preventing workplace violence calls for deep and recurring assessments of the job site that not only weigh the potential for conflict, but even help employers plan for the unthinkable including natural disasters, extreme weather, or power outages.

Partnering alongside AFIMAC helps employers carefully plan for the statistical possibility that workplace violence will occur in some shape or form. Establish communication protocols, offer ongoing guidance and training to staff, and ensure that should something unfortunate occur, your staff knows exactly how to proceed. Many of the suggestions offered as a result of a third-party risk assessment can be implemented by employers themselves, while AFIMAC can offer resources that can be called upon when needed.

Ongoing Workplace Training

Company-wide training programs focused on conflict resolution tactics can manage the possibility that staff may act inappropriately, or be the recipient of violence. Giving the right tools to your workforce to de-escalate conflict is one of the most effective ways of addressing the risk of workplace violence, but it often does not stop there. Consider exploring training programs that help managers spot warning signs of workplace violence before it ever occurs, and create a culture that brings attention to individuals who seem “off” and reports it to the right people.

Third-Party HR Investigations

When workplace violence does occur a thorough investigation can help employers determine exactly what has occurred, gathering evidence to support upcoming business decisions. Employee terminations must always be supported by the facts, and employers can call upon AFIMAC Global to conduct fair, unbiased third-party investigations that determine every detail of a workplace violence incident. When employers act swiftly, and use third-party investigators, they can be certain that the facts are always free from bias while sending a message to staff that these issues are taken incredibly seriously.

Remain committed to accountability and conduct HR investigations that ask the most difficult questions that internal HR teams simply aren’t capable of doing. Send a message to your staff that violence and harassment will not be tolerated in any form, and make an example of those who have harmed others.

Duty of Care Solutions From AFIMAC Global

AFIMAC is proud to address the complexities of duty of care for corporations and government entities of all kinds across North America. We continue to partner with Fortune 500 companies to assess risk, train their workforce, and conduct HR investigations when violence does occur. Begin the process by assessing immediate risks on the job site, and implement training programs alongside AFIMAC that work to create healthy, low-risk workplaces.

When employers are unsure if individual employees may partake in violence, AFIMAC can implement private investigation tools and social listening tactics to gather more information and prevent violence. Whatever the employer’s concern may be, AFIMAC can help, using information and intelligence to your advantage. We have specialized in serving employers and executives for over 30 years, helping to prevent workplace violence but also offering several security resources for staff and executives themselves.

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