Corporate travel to Peru can be complicated by security risks, even in remote parts of the country.

Executive Travel To Peru:
Travel Security Services

Executive Travel to Peru

Explore Travel Security Services From AFIMAC Global

Executive travel to Peru calls for increased precautions due to a complex threat landscape. North Americans heading to Peru should exercise significant caution before visiting, especially for work. Peru remains in a difficult political situation, with several countries advising against travel to the country entirely. North American executives face a unique set of risks and challenges that can never be addressed by traditional travel insurance. 

Safe travel to Peru shown by a landmark in Peru.

Some industries, such as the mining, petroleum, and refining sectors, have no other choice but to send their workforce to remote parts of Peru for work. Without the proper travel management and arrangements, some employers may be putting their staff in harm’s way. Should the unthinkable happen and one of your staff members be harmed or kidnapped, the employer bears full responsibility. Learn about some of the most common risks for corporate travel to Peru and take the right steps to protect your workforce regardless of where they are.

Executive Travel to Peru: Political Unrest and Heated Demonstrations

Since early 2023, Peru has been flooded with a number of political demonstrations that locked down major cities and complicated travel by road. Protestors took to the country’s roadways to disrupt the flow of traffic heading in and out of Lima, while other demonstrations flowed through small rural towns. Many locals have died during these protests, prompting rolling, country-wide states of emergency. The United States and Canada encourage corporate travelers to avoid non-essential travel to the country, a policy that could void a travel insurance policy entirely.

Employers risk having their staff caught up in these demonstrations without proper protection. Occasionally, demonstrations clog up entire highways, forcing visitors to change their travel arrangements while navigating unfamiliar and potentially unsafe neighborhoods. Some demonstrators will take the opportunity to harm others, destroy vehicles, and cause general havoc.

The Risk of Organized Crime

Smaller towns in Peru, such as Huallaga, the province of Padre Abad, Huacaybamba, and Concepción, pose risks of kidnapping, mugging, and assault. Some criminals may work alongside taxi drivers to facilitate their crimes, scamming corporate travelers by inflating the costs of their bills and driving them into dangerous situations. These scams are especially prominent at the country’s major airports, where drivers will “honk” at visitors who have just arrived. Organized criminals may also collaborate directly with local police, posing as an officer or wrongly detaining a corporate traveler to facilitate further crime.

Criminals remain highly organized in their efforts, targeting visitors and corporate executives. Many North Americans stick out quite prominently in Peru, and some kidnappers will look to the victim’s employer to extort money from them. 

Considering Travel Security Services to Peru

Having a local and properly trained driver is one of the best ways to manage the risks of maintaining a traveling workforce. When a protective driver from AFIMAC faces a threat, they can rearrange travel plans and avoid political demonstrations before they pose a danger to your staff. Shuttling workers between job sites, airports, and hotels can ensure their safety while AFIMAC corporate travel specialists continue to monitor the potential for protests and other risks.

AFIMAC protective drivers are incredibly informed about emerging risks, working with travel specialists to adjust travel arrangements before anyone is caught up in demonstrations or organized crime. Fulfill your duty of care obligations as an employer to provide a safe workplace for your staff, even if they are visiting South America. As a qualified travel management company with resources across the globe, AFIMAC remains highly effective at protecting people and property from North American corporations.

Fill out the form below to learn more about threat monitoring and protective driver solutions that minimize corporate travel risks to Peru.

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