Investigation Baby Steps: Social Media and Open Source Investigations


Title:Investigation Baby Steps: Social Media and Open Source Investigations

Date:Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Time:1:00pm - 2:00pm EST


Webinar Outline

No Claims Investigation is complete without Social Media and Open Source Investigations. Find out why it's important to harness the power of social media mining for vital information before you deploy physical surveillance.

The stats associated to social media use across major channels are staggering and continuously increase:

  •   1 in 9 people are members on Facebook
  •   Twitter adds 500,000 users per day
  •   48 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube each minute
  •   15,475,890 are members on LinkedIn
  •   Over 3,000 pictures are added to Flikr each minute

Did you know 75% of physical surveillance provides little to no results? Are you tired of spending countless dollars with little ROI? We can help.

Social Media and the World Wide Web continue to grow at explosive rates. Through Social Media Monitoring and Open Source Intelligence gathering, you can now have a much better picture at a fraction of the cost of traditional surveillance. In addition, when surveillance is required you now have the ability to focus your spend on key dates, times or activities. This method of investigation differentiates from traditional surveillance and is more strategic in building an evidence based file.

We will provide you with an overview of social media investigations in a digital age and arm you with tools, which will allow you to take next steps immediately.


Jim Rovers Jim Rovers
Senior Vice President

Mr. Rovers has been actively involved in the fields of security, investigations and labour dispute for nearly two decades. With a background in manufacturing engineering, he has assisted many Fortune 500 companies in the development of contingency plans regarding security, transportation and temporary staffing. He has worked extensively throughout Canada and the United States on investigation of theft and narcotic issues in the workplace.

Mr. Rovers joined AFIMAC in 2004 as Vice President of Sales and Marketing. A former executive of HRPLD (Human Resource Professionals of London) and he is a member of ASIS, the American Society of Industrial Security. Mr. Rovers is in the process of completing his CHRP (Canadian Human Resources Professional) accreditation.

861 SW 78th Avenue, Suite B200
Plantation, FL 33324